11th June 2018
Just a few years ago it would have been unthinkable to consider talking to your technology to get things done or order your shopping – but now it’s becoming the norm. Over the past decade technology has revolutionised every corner of our lives – making everyday tasks and chores swifter and more streamlined whilst also providing futuristic entertainment opportunities. Here we share just several ways intelligent technology has impacted our home lives for the better.
Now we’re using voice technology more and more each day
Although at first using technologies throughout daily life may appear to be revolutionary and feels alien to us, we quickly adapt and get used to it – and eventually come to depend on it. Tech magazine Chatbots conducted a survey to discover exactly how much we’re now using devices such as Google Home and Alexa – and the results were astonishing. 57% of respondents admitted they use their device multiple times a day – with a further 17% stating they use it at least once. That’s over 74% using an AI-powered device in their home each and every day!
25% of users say technology in the home has changed their daily routines
Technology undoubtedly changes our lives in numerous ways – and predominantly they’re positive. But it turns out that these new era devices are also actively changing our behaviours. Over a quarter of survey respondents said their device had definitely changed their daily routine and behaviours – a further quarter said they had changed somewhat. Most commonly the effects of having a voice-controlled device in the home include automating processes such as heating and lights and listening to more music – added convenience and enjoyment which have positive impacts on daily life. But their presence also results in a greater portion of time spent in the room the device is situated in and subscriptions (and consequent spending) on certain online outlets such as Amazon. These behaviours could be problematic in the long-run – as the devices actively encourage easy (and often less thoughtful) purchases.
Music, weather and information at our fingertips – or with one simple voice command
The wonderful thing about voice command technology is that it makes a lot of tasks that previously required multiple devices and fairly lengthy processes possible in seconds. Because of this, devices such as Alexa and Google Home open us up to a plethora of entertainment opportunities, convenient lifestyle choices and handy information. Of the 78% of users who said they listen to music, 63% listen multiple times throughout the day. Of the 69% who ask for information, 53% say they do so more than once every day.
We’re beginning to rely on technologies within the home
One potential downside of this revolutionary technology is dependence. Once we become accustomed to using them, we tend to rely on them. Research conducted by Google showed that we interact with our devices as though they were human, often saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’. With over 72% of those surveyed admitting their device is ingrained in their daily routine, its absence (or a malfunction) could be incredibly inconvenient.